Many professionals turn to their smartphones when away from the office, but are constrained by their limitations. Here are some additional resources to consider using the next time you are working from home.
Remote desktop applications allow you to tap into your work computer from another computer, such as your home pc. Most of these applications are web-based and simply require both computers to be on and have an internet connection. Here are some of the more notable ones, although there are many more.
• GoToMyPC – features an easy-to-use interface and secure remote-access that gives you unlimited access email, files, programs and network resources from home or the road by simply logging in from any website. Citrix Online, the makers of GoToMyPC also make GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar.
• WebEx - combines real-time desktop access with phone conferencing, providing a convenient way to hold meetings while away from the office.
• Microsoft Remote Desktop – comes standard with Microsoft Windows and allows a user to get information from their PC on any other PC, however; this software must be installed on both computers.
• Real VNC – is another remote desktop control application that allows users to remotely control systems and interact with the remote system as if they were physically at their computer.
Getting on the internet isn’t always easy as most coffee houses and other places that provide WiFi, do so for a fee. There are options available for you Instead of searching for free WiFi.
• Wireless cards, which access the internet from just about any location, slip right into your laptop’s card or USB slots and provide instant access to the web. These cards are available from many wireless carriers and start at about $30 a month.
• Much like WiFi, MiFi cards enable you to create “hot spots” for your devices to access the internet. MiFi also carries a monthly fee but allows you to link up to five devices to access the internet, a feature which is very enticing to the tech savvy business professional.
So, next time you find yourself stranded at home or an airport, remember there are alternatives to getting your work done without having to rely solely on your smartphone.